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School of Agriculture and Natural Resources


The School of Agriculture and Natural Resources leads the South in advancing the agriculture field through hands-on experience and rigorous academic preparation. We offer seven baccalaureate programs with small class sizes, high-quality instructors, and many opportunities for hands-on learning. We pride ourselves in complementing our students’ high-quality educational experience with networking and professional development opportunities. Our graduates are some of the most in-demand throughout the country and represent ABAC in every state across numerous concentrations. Join us in making a lifelong impact on students by contributing to the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources today. Give Now to the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources  
Jerry Baker portrait

Dr. Jerry Baker

Interim Dean, School of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Message from the Dean

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources (SANR) at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College! Thank you for taking the time to visit our website to learn more about our School and the academic programs we have to offer.

I truly believe ABAC is a special place! Once you visit our campus and interact with the faculty, staff, and students you will understand. We offer all of the activities associated with larger campuses but in a smaller, more intimate environment. You are not just a “number” at ABAC – we take an interest in your education, and most likely, know you by name.

The SANR offers seven comprehensive Bachelor of Science degree programs in Agribusiness, Agricultural Communication, Agricultural Education, Agriculture, Environmental Horticulture, Agricultural Technology Management, and Natural Resource Management. Several of these degree programs have specific tracks or concentrations. As you can see, no matter your interest in agriculture and natural resources, there is a degree program for you.

All of these degree programs are known for their hands-on, experiential learning opportunities, which occur both in and outside of the classroom. We are fortunate to have several outdoor learning laboratories for our students to apply the principles and concepts learned in the classroom. These laboratories on campus include the J.G. Woodroof Farm, nearly 400 acres of cropland, pastures for our commercial cattle herd, turfgrass plots, and greenhouse facilities, Lake Baldwin, the Nature Study Area. Off-campus we have the Forest Lakes Golf Course, a 9-hole golf course located six miles east of campus, the pitcher plant bog, 8 acres in Turner County, and the John W. and Margaret Jones Langdale Forest, nearly 1,000 acres located 10 miles north of campus off Willis Still Road.

In addition to their academics, SANR students are very active across campus with numerous clubs, organizations, and activities where many take on leadership roles. As a result, our students have a well-rounded educational experience.

Employers seek out our graduates due to the educational, personal, and professional preparation they have received, which contributes to their success in the workplace. In addition, many of our graduates go on to continue their education by attending graduate or professional school. If you have questions about the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources,  do not hesitate to reach out to us. The faculty and staff in the School are more than willing to help you.

We hope to see you on campus!

I chose ABAC because it’s a great agricultural school and I’m from Tifton, so it was close to my home.  ABAC really helped me feel prepared for my internship because of the hands on learning and detailed classes that I received. *Ryan, a Turf and Golf Course Maintenance major, completed an internship at The Yellowstone Club in Montana.  

Ryan Moore

Tifton, GA
Turf and Golf Course Maintenance, B.S.
Class of 2023

I love ABAC because it is more than a school. I’ve never met a stranger in my time at ABAC and I enjoy everything about being on our campus. My time at ABAC has taught me so much about myself and it has prepared me for my future in the Horticulture industry. I will always be thankful for every professor, staff member, and peer who has helped me get to where I am today.

Johnathon Strickland

LaGrange, GA
Environmental Horticulture, Turf and Ornamental
Class of 2021

ABAC has provided me with so many opportunities to grow both personally and professionally. I've been able to receive true hands-on experiences that have allowed me to discover my passion and what I want to do post-graduation. I've made so many connections among my peers and the ABAC faculty that will follow me for the rest of my life.

Gabi Ius

Clermont, FL
Agricultural Communication
Class of 2021

ABAC feels like a second home to me. The students, professors, and faculty are all super nice and encouraging. I would recommend ABAC to any out-of-state student looking for an Ag degree. ABAC will become your home away from home, too.

Cydney Slapa

Deltona, FL
Agriculture, Animal Science
Class of 2023

ABAC is an incredible fit for my education. I learn best kinesthetically, and ABAC is all about that. I spend just as much time applying what I learn in lectures as I do labs. I learned how to use GPS guidance in tractors, and because of this, I was able to understand the terminology and importance of the technology. Every one of my professors at ABAC shows great enthusiasm for the classes, and I can easily see that they truly care about our future.

Christopher E. Bolles III

Agriculture (B.S.) Agricultural Technical Systems Management (ATSM)
Class of 2021

ABAC has been my second home. In my four years here, I was an officer for three clubs and served as a senator for the Student Government Association. I have met some of my best friends at ABAC and will be a bridesmaid in one of my roommates' wedding! ABAC has such a great reputation and my ABAC experience will benefit me in my future because it has prepared me to teach 6-12th grades when I graduate. Thank you, ABAC, for the best four years of my life.  

Caitlyn Corbran

Parrish, FL
Ag Education - B.S.
Class of 2020

What makes ABAC great isn't the beautiful campus, the delicious food, or top-notch education. What makes ABAC great is the people in it. Within a few weeks, I found myself walking through campus being greeted by name from staff and students alike. Within a few weeks, ABAC had become home.

Bryce Roland

Perry, GA
Ag Education - B.S.
Class of 2023

I love ABAC because I love the small-town feel, and the people here are really amazing. ABAC has so many learning opportunities, and they are not just in the classroom, they're all around you. ABAC even offers access to an onsite farm, where we can learn and do more hands-on learning. Also, I do not know of many colleges that have cattle right outside the dorms! It's a great agricultural atmosphere, and you're around a lot of other students and professors who love it just as much as you do!

Kate Goodwin

Fairmount, GA
Agriculture/Live Stock Production - B.S.
Class of 2020

At ABAC I have been able to make lifelong friendships that will last forever. I am so thankful for the opportunities and doors that have been opened for me. For example, the STEPS program helped me be able to complete my internship at both the state and national capitol buildings. All of my Agricultural Communication classes and their professors were very instrumental in giving me the foundational knowledge for becoming a successful communicator. These skills have prepared me to begin my graduate degree in Public Administration, and I look forward to working in governmental affairs in the future!

Jane Anne Veazey

Tifton, GA
Agricultural Communication - B.S.
Class of 2020


The School of Agriculture and Natural Resources is made up of three departments: Agriculture, Agricultural Education and Communication, and Forest Resources. These departments offers six comprehensive Bachelor of Science degree programs in Agribusiness, Agricultural Education, Agricultural Communication, Agriculture, Environmental Horticulture, and Natural Resource Management.

Student Arranging Plants for Horticulture class

Department of Agriculture

While ABAC has grown significantly throughout the years, Agriculture remains at the core of our foundation. The Department of Agriculture at ABAC offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agricultural Technology Management and Environmental Horticulture. The department is guided by seventeen full-time faculty members who teach essential agriculture knowledge, agribusiness, agricultural engineering, agronomy, animal science, horticulture, pest management, and turf science. Agriculture students have numerous chances to apply their knowledge on campus at the 400-acre J.G. Woodroof Farm and 9-hole Forest Lakes Golf Club. Students can also get involved in some of the thirteen student-led organizations supported by the department and enhance their knowledge while networking with agriculture professionals. Internships also play an integral role in the Department of Agriculture and often lead to job offers for students. We are proud to boast more than a 90% job placement rate for our students after graduation. ABAC's agriculture program attracts students from all over the Southeast and beyond, with graduates representing our school across the entire nation. Students have enjoyed success in a variety of agriculture-related fields, from farm management and systems building to pro golf turf management, horticultural design, and so much more.
Explore Agriculture Jane Anne Veazey

Department of Forest Resources

The Department of Forest Resources prepares students for success in careers focused on the sustainable management of natural resources- a vital consideration of modern agriculture and life. By taking part in immersive, hands-on curricula, students learn how to meet society’s demands on forests and wildlife populations while preserving the productivity and beauty of natural landscapes. Engaged, active learning is at the foundation of a rigorous curriculum that brings together extensive field training with conceptual knowledge to prepare the next generation of forest resource managers. In the Department of Forest Resources, the forest is our classroom! The Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management uses applied learning methods to prepare students with interdisciplinary knowledge, training, and critical thinking skills required to analyze and understand forest management and for success in effectively conserving forests and other natural resources.
Explore Forest Resources Jane Anne Veazey

Department of Agricultural Education and Communication

The Department of Agricultural Education and Communication is dedicated to connecting people with agriculture and natural resources through education and communication.  Our mission revolves around cultivating the intellectual and professional development of our students to make a positive impact in the communities where they will live and work. The Department offers Bachelor of Sciences degrees in Agricultural Education (with tracks in Agricultural Studies and Education) and Agricultural Communication.  A Minor in Agricultural Education is also offered for students enrolled in other degree programs.
Explore Agricultural Education and Communication Jane Anne Veazey
I teach courses focused on precision agriculture technologies, soil and water conservation, and irrigation management. This technical side of Agriculture usually requires math that students are afraid of! I like to make math FUN by showing my students how important it is to managing an agricultural system and how they already know much more math than they think! We spend much of our time in the classroom going over calculations and designs – then we go outside and actually DO IT and see how our numbers match up. Connecting calculations in the classroom to physical components in the field is what makes our program, and ABAC, so successful!

Dr. Erin Porter

Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering

Although doing well in courses is important, activities students do in addition to coursework is extremely important to being a successful professional in the field. I encourage students to become members of the ABAC Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society, a professional organization that volunteers in the local community, invites professional guest speakers from various agencies and organizations, conducts field trips, attends national professional conferences, and offers other educational opportunities with our partners, such as S130/S190 Wildland Firefighter training through The Orianne Society.

Dr. Vanessa Lane

Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management

Careers & Internships

As young professionals, students are encouraged to learn beyond the classroom and gain valuable experience to prepare them for life. Our internship program provides students with a wide variety of learning opportunities in a structured and professional environment, while receiving course credit. A large number of internships end with students receiving a full-time employment offer upon graduation.

The School of Agriculture and Natural Resources strives to provide our students with plenty of opportunities to prepare for their future careers. Career fairs, internship, and other networking opportunities are made available to enhance our students’ educational experience.

Student interning with Department of Natural Resources

Career Opportunities WITH

Career Connections Career Connections

Agreements with Graduate Programs

The School of Agriculture and Natural Resources prides itself on preparing students for success in the workforce by providing hands-on, experiential learning opportunities.  However, many careers will require additional education beyond ABAC. As a result, the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources has established graduate program agreements with other institutions to help our students in the next step of their education to help further their career.


Contact Information

Agricultural Sciences Building

ABAC 8, 2802 Moore Hwy, Tifton, GA 31793