We, the faculty of Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, in order to promote more effective communication between the teaching faculty and the administration, staff, and student body, to secure greater faculty participation in the decision-making processes of the College, to stimulate faculty interest in the goals and objectives of the institution, to insure faculty involvement in matters related to the College, to pursue academic excellence and teaching effectiveness, and to create the best possible atmosphere for effective learning and teaching, do ordain and establish this constitution for a body to be styled the Faculty Senate of Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. The purpose of the Faculty Senate of Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, hereafter referred to as the Faculty Senate, shall be to make rules and regulations governing the organization of the Faculty Senate, and to debate and make recommendations to the administration of the College and to the student body.
Membership in the Faculty Senate shall include representatives from the teaching faculty from each academic school or department on the basis of one representative from each Department within each School with a minimum of two representatives per School.
Current Officers
President – Dr. Erin Porter
Vice President – Ms. Rhonda Lewis
Immediate Past President — Dr. Diantha Ellis
Recording Secretary – Mr. Tony Matthews
Parliamentarian – Dr. Farish Mulkey
USG Faculty Council Representative – Dr. Ryan Currie
Faculty Senate Website
Faculty Senate news and documents are posted on the Faculty Senate page in SharePoint. You can access the Faculty Senate SharePoint page by clicking here.
If the link above doesn’t work, search for the page in SharePoint.
To access SharePoint, log into your Outlook Email through MyABAC. Click the small icon with nine dots next to the ABAC logo in the upper left of the page. Select SharePoint. Use the search bar to locate the Faculty Senate page.
Senators by Department
Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Dr. Sallie McHugh
- Dr. Taylor Hendricks
- Dr. Erin Porter
- Dr. Farish Mulkey
Arts and Sciences
- Dr. David Rhode
- Ms. Melissa Harrell
- Mr. Keith Perry
- Dr. Christopher Beals
- Dr. John Cable
- Mr. Tony Matthews (Bainbridge)
- Ms. Sheila McLendon (Bainbridge)
- Dr. Diantha Ellis
- Dr. Yu Zhang
- Dr. Ryan Currie
Nursing and Health Sciences
- Dr. Yvonne Smith
- Ms. Rhonda Lewis
- Ms. Jennifer Harrison (Bainbridge)