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ABAC receives scholarship from Southern Hunting Alliance

The School of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) was recently presented with a generous donation, along with the creation of the Southern Hunting Alliance Terry Peavy Memorial Scholarship, courtesy of their Flint River Chapter.

The Southern Hunting Alliance (SHA) Flint River Chapter includes William Bowie (President), Lan Skalla (Treasurer), Buzz Calek (Secretary), as well as committee members Evan Drury, Jon Lesieur, and David Greene. Their mission is to provide firearms awareness and shooting and hunting opportunities for the younger generation. To do this, the association raises funds to support scholarships and funding within the southwest Georgia area. As the Flint River Chapter volunteers are non-paid, all proceeds are available to support its mission.

“We greatly appreciate the Southern Hunting Alliance’s generous contribution in supporting our Natural Resource Management students who are dedicated to wildlife conservation and management,” said Dr. William Moore, Department Head of Forest Resources.

In attendance for the signing, which was held at the Yow Forestry/Wildlife Building on campus, was Bowie, Skalla, Moore, and Dr. Jerry Baker, Interim Dean of the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The scholarship was created to provide support to ABAC students enrolled as full-time rising juniors or seniors, majoring in Natural Resource Management with an emphasis in Conservation Law Enforcement, Wildlife or Forestry.

The scholarship was named for Terry Peavy, one of the four original Southern Hunting Alliance founders. Peavy was a lifelong outdoorsman and deer hunter who passed away after an unfortunate hunting accident in 2022. His support of kids experiencing the outdoors began with him serving on the Boy Scouts of America Chehaw Council committee in the 1970s and spanned throughout his life.

“He was a driving force of one of the major tenets of SHA and helping young people gain interest in hunting and shooting sports,” Bowie said. “Terry recognized, as all committee members do, that it is imperative for the current generation, as well as generations after, to carry on conservation and wildlife management and hunting traditions.”