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ABAC police officers receive promotions

Eight Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College police officers were recognized for promotions at a badge pinning ceremony on Friday, October 25.

“We’re very proud of all these officers,” said ABAC Police Chief Frank Strickland. “Most of them have come to ABAC after years in law enforcement, and we’re proud of the decades of experience they bring to the department.”
Deborah Pyles was promoted to captain; Todd Daunhauer, Joey Johnson, Mike Tompkins and Sommer Jordan were promoted to lieutenant; and Doug Chadwell, Jill Merritt and Joey Woods were promoted to sergeant.

The pinning ceremony is a long-standing tradition within the law enforcement community, and Strickland wanted to bring that tradition to ABAC. Officers have a badge pinned on their uniform at two times in their career: once when they graduate from the police academy and again upon promotion. The badge is traditionally pinned on by a family member or mentor.

“Each of you standing before us has shown exceptional courage, determination, and a genuine desire to make a difference, and have risen in rank as a result,” said ABAC President Tracy Brundage. “Wear your badges with pride, serve with honor, and always strive to be the best version of yourself.” 

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