Chapter 33 Veteran Students, be advised of the following educational change below:
Isakson & Roe: Sec. 1010
- As of August 1, 2021, Chapter 33 students must verify their enrollment status each month to continue receiving their monthly housing allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments. This change will be implemented in phases, starting with students enrolled at a Non-Degree (NCD) facility
- Students are asked to verify their enrollment status relative to what the SCO has reported on their behalf. This is not attendance verification
- Students can verify their enrollment status in one of two ways:
- Text Messaging – Students who choose VA’s “Opt-In” feature will receive a text message each month prompting them to verify their enrollment status
- Telephone – Students may call the Education Call Center (ECC) at 888-442-4551 to verify their enrollment status
- How MHA payments are altered from this process:
- Students who reply ‘Yes’ to the verification text or confirm their enrollment status hasn’t changed by phone will have MHA payments released as usual
- Students who reply ‘No’ or report a change by phone will prompt the VCE to review for updated enrollment information from the SCO. If no updated information is pending, the VCE will contact the SCO to request an update be submitted.
MHA payments will be held in the meanwhile.
Veterans can receive assistance with applying for educational military benefits in the Office of Student Accounts located on the first floor of the Carlton Center. All veterans, active duty service members, members of the reserves, and dependents of disabled or deceased veterans, should contact the Office of Student Accounts immediately upon deciding to enroll in the College so that proper administrative procedures can be initiated.
As a military-friendly institution, ABAC offers our student veterans access to the Veteran Success Center, work-study opportunities, veteran to veteran tutoring programs, priority one registration for courses, and United States Veteran graduation stoles. Veterans should consult with the personnel in the Office of Student Accounts to determine the proper procedure to obtain these additional benefits.
Students who wish to be considered for the Veterans Benefits at ABAC, must present a copy of their Form DD-214 to the Office of Student Accounts for evaluation.
ABAC Office of Student Accounts
ABAC 42, 2802 Moore Highway
Tifton, GA 31793
Office: 229-391-4924
FAX: 229-391-5240
Jessica Miller – Veterans Affairs Certifying Official
Located on the first floor of the Carlton Center.
Certification of VA Benefits
When registering for classes, keep in mind that the VA will not pay for any classes that do not count toward your major. Be aware that the VA periodically checks all applicants to ensure that the courses being taken are relevant to the student’s declared major. It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to register for the correct courses and report changes before incurring an over-payment or possibly an underpayment. VA regulations prohibit payment for repeated courses (“A” through “D” grades) or for courses that are not required for your approved degree/program.
Certification can only begin after you have submitted the Veterans Benefits form and upon receipt of all required documents. Veterans will only be certified for courses that are required for an approved degree/program. Each student is advised to obtain a copy of their curriculum sheet and refer to it prior to each registration. The VA takes 6 to 8 weeks to process an enrollment certification.
Certifications are completed as soon after drop/add as possible. However, due to the processing times at the institution and at the VA, payment of benefits at the start of the semester is often delayed. Please plan accordingly. Students who receive educational benefits should notify the Veterans Certifying Official when a class is dropped/added/withdrawn or when a change of major occurs.
Monthly attendance verification for Chapter 30, 1606, and 1607 only.
There are two ways to submit verification:
Call toll-free number – 1-877-823-2378 OR
Go to and certify by going to W.A.V.E.